Welcome to SafeInk.net

Did you receive a shirt with this website on it? Or does your shirt have a green and black sticker on it letting you know your shirt has been printed with phthalate compliant ink? What is the CPSIA? What does all of this mean? The good news is your shirt is safe and compliant with the goverment laws that have been put into place in 2009. This site will provide you with more information about it.

On February 10, 2009, the Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act (CPSIA) went into effect. It is a sweeping new law that impacts all items with an intended primary use of children age 12 and under. There are additional rules for items with the intended primary use of children age 3 and under. It effects all children's products including toys, books, clothing and child care articles. For us, the direct impact is children's clothing specified in section 108 of the CPSIA. The clothing must be lead free and the decoration must comply with the CPSIA phthalate compliant guidelines.